The Time Has Come to Start Training the Pets for Your Return to Work
Pets -- like their humans -- had to adjust during the pandemic. They got used to people being at home most of the time, just as people learned how to juggle caring for their pets while also doing their jobs remotely. But now, with Covid-19 vaccinations picking up, if...

Our List of Pet Holidays 2021!
Since pets have their own holidays, we created a calendar of Pet Holidays for 2021. There are several pet holidays each month, so don't forget to refer back often so you can celebrate with your pet! Enjoy.

Be Aware of Easter Lily Toxicity
The beautiful, peaceful, fragrant Easter Lily is lethal to your pets. A friend recently posted that she had rushed her cat to the emergency vet clinic, near death. The vet was not sure this otherwise vibrant, loving, happy cat would make it. It was long night, and we...

Richmond Animal League Awards Premiere Petsitting
We are proud to have been awarded the certificate above from the Richmond Animal League for supporting their mission to provide hope, help and homes for animals in need. Thank you RAL!

Pet Parents: How to Practice Social Distancing
There has been a lot of discussion about social distancing in the past few weeks. Because this is a new concept for many of us, here is a brief discussion of what social distancing is, why epidemiologists recommend it as a way of slowing the spread of an infection,...