- Unconditional love: Practice unconditional love for your pet. Pamper them with lots of hugs, cuddling, friendly chatting and playing.
- Attention: Give a healthy dose of undivided attention on a regular basis.
- Routine: Dogs are creatures of habit. They appreciate their routine. Feed your dog at the same time every day and take your walks at the same time. Their “schedule” will give them a sense of security.
- Freshwater: This may sound too simple, but water that’s been sitting for days can build up bacteria inside the bowls. Give your babies fresh water daily.
- A cozy bed: Place your pet’s bed in the family room. This will be their refuge, but they can also see all the family activity and feel a part of the family unit.
- Sunshine: Open the blinds to let the sunshine in and give your pet a lookout point to see all the outdoor action.
- Go for a walk: Not only will your pet love the exercise but it’s a bonding activity for you both.
- Homemade treats: Make your pet treats from healthy ingredients. No better way to share your love.
- Healthy cat treats: Switch your cat treats from the high-calories to healthy choices such as raw tuna cubes.
- A word on fat: Never buy low-fat dog or cat food. Fat helps to keep your pet’s coat and skin healthy as well as provide them with energy. This doesn’t mean overload them with fat. Keep it at a healthy daily dose.
- Wash the bowl: Always throw out any leftover wet food and wash the bowl in hot soapy water to prevent the growth of bacteria such as E. Coli or Salmonella.
- Sing their praise: Give lots of verbal high-fives in an upbeat voice to your hound. “What a good dog!”
- Massage: There are substantial therapeutic benefits to properly massaging your furry friend.
- Teach new tricks: Pups and cats are perfectly capable of learning new tricks and they’ll cherish the extra time spent with you.
- Buy them a new toy: Who doesn’t love a new prize?
- Keep a toy chest of all your pets’ play things: Keep a couple toys out at a time and rotate them from the stash in the chest.
- Brush their teeth: There are many types of toothpaste with flavors like beef and poultry. Proper dental care is paramount for properly caring for your pet. It will lengthen their lives.
- Take your dog on a picnic to the park: Give them great exercise by going for a hike or throwing the Frisbee or a ball. Afterwards, have relaxing time on the blanket with water and some yummy treats.
- Pedicures: If your pet has clear nails trim the nail just before their “quick.” If they have dark nails and you can’t see the quick, clip just the tip every couple weeks.
- Buy them a fashion collar: Choose a collar that matches your pet personality. They’ll love the extra attention it will bring them.
- Get your pet’s hair done: They’ll look and feel like a million bucks.
- Buy a pet water fountain: This invention continually circulates the water.
- Ice Cubes: Add some ice cubes to your pets’ water bowl to cool the water. This is especially nice on hot days.
- Put on a kitty video: Cats love to watch mice, birds, squirrels, fish, rats and chipmunks.
- Videos for your tail-waggers: For those dogs that are TV viewers, put on some movies or shows. Mine love Animal Planet, Beethoven, and Benji.
- Purchase a play center for your cat: Kitties love condos and play gyms.
- Bath Time: Either give your pet a bath at home or take your pooch to a self-serve doggy wash.
- Ice Cream: During the hot summer months let your pooch indulge with some doggy ice cream.
- Couch time: Drape some blankets or sheets over your couch and let your furry buddy catch some zzzzz’s while snuggling up with you.
- Take your dog for a swim: If they like to swim, of course. My Bull dog would rather die than go near the water.
- Let then come with you for a ride in the car: Never leave them in the car alone! Only bring them if you will be able to supervise them the entire time.
- Organize a doggy playgroup: Companionship is wonderful for the soul and the exercise is an added benefit.
- Take them to the vet: Though your pet probably isn’t the biggest fan of a trip to the vet, a regular check-up is the best thing you can do for them to keep them happy and healthy.
- Feed your pet the best food money can buy: Healthy choices may be more expensive, but your pet will feel better and therefore be at his/her best. The extra cost is worth it!
- Flea prevention: Need I say more?
- Heart worm preventative: Heart worm can strike both dogs and cats, although it is more commonly seen in dogs. Protect your pets from this terrible disease.
- Give those rabbits what they love…Veggies: Leafy lettuces are usually popular, but avoid cabbage and iceberg lettuce.
- Weight watch: To truly care for your pet it’s your responsibility to keep them at a healthy weight. Obese pets are at risk for major health problems. Keep them trim.
- Groom your rabbit regularly: Brushing them often reduces shedding, but also will prevent the ingestion of hair.
- Brush-off doggie dandruff: Add a teaspoon of corn, safflower, peanut, or sunflower oil to your dog’s main meal of the day. These oils help replenish the body’s natural oil and reduce dry, itchy skin.
- Serve food at eye level: Put the chow in raised bowls or on top of low crates or tables so your dog won’t strain its neck or back muscles. This practice also aids in better digestion.
- Vacation with your pet: Have a travel agent help you plan a pet- friendly vacation, so your loved one can join in on the fun. At the Outer Banks you can bring your pooch on the beach. It’s great!
- Break away collar: Provide your cat with a break away collar in case they get caught on something they can break free away from harm.
- Milk: Shy away from giving milk to your cats and dogs, especially kittens and puppies. It’s tough on their immature digestive systems.
- Meditation: I’m not crazy. This is a perfect time to have bonding time with your pet. Have your pet join you in the silence of your daily meditation.
- Soften the crate: Put a cozy bed in the bottom of your dogs’ crate. This is especially nice for our senior friends with sore joints. It gives them added support and comfort.
- Leave the crate door open: Your dog will learn to love its’ crate. It will become their sanctuary, so leave it accessible for them to enter and leave at will.
- A good brushing: Always brush in the direction of the fur growth. Use straight strokes. Circular motions can break the hair.
- Aloe: After a thorough brushing treat your pooch to a dab of aloe to restore the moisture.
- Acupuncture: Activates various sensory receptors in the body. It leads to improved circulation, better muscle tone, less tension and a stronger immune system. Acupuncture is NOT recommended for animals that are pregnant because it can induce labor.
- Wash the toys: To prevent bacteria growth and to get rid of possible flea eggs wash your pet’s toys regularly.
- Wash their bedding: Wash your pets’ bedding in hot water at least once per week.
- Cozy blanket on cold nights: Put a blanket in the dryer for ten minutes then drape it over your pet’s bed on chilly nights. This will help them fall sleep as well as ease joint aches and increase flexibility.
- Let sleeping dogs lie: Dogs do dream, so let them enter their dream cycle undisturbed. When you need to wake them up whisper their name and wait for them to open their eyes before touching them.
- Sore teeth: Knot a clean, old dish towel, wet it, and then let it chill in the freezer. Give it to your teething pup to massage their gums. Make the knot big so they can’t swallow it.
- Teach success: Redirect your puppy when they are headed for mischief so they can learn success rather than failure. Always reward them for positive behavior.
- Good-byes: Try and keep them short and sweet. Leave your pooch with something to chew on like a hollow rubber toy stuffed with peanut butter or cream cheese. Leave your cat with a toy mouse. This will keep them occupied for a long while. Leave without saying a word and return without a big production, which could promote separation anxiety.
- Your senior friend: Treat your aging doggy like a VIP-Very Important Pooch. They have earned the extra pampering.
- Vitamins: Treat your pet to a chewable pet vitamin. Your pal needs the extra nutrients.
- Glucosamine: This supplement helps to ease the pain of aching joints by stimulating production of synovial fluid, the body’s natural joint lubricant. This will help to improve their mobility. Ask your vet for dosage information.
- Ramps: For those dogs with sore joints, use ramps to help them climb the stairs, get in the car or on the bed. They should have non-slip surfaces to give your friend traction.
- Daily exercise routine: Dogs that are exercised a minimum of 30 minutes per day since puppy hood will be less likely to develop age- related medical problems such as digestive problems.
- Protein and cats: Senior cats need more protein than younger cats in order to maintain a lean body mass and a strong immune system. Choose a food that has a higher percentage of protein.
- Heat: Apply a warm towel or compress to arthritic joints.
- Cat with doggie breath: This is usually as sign off feline dental problems. Schedule a yearly professional cleaning and follow a proper dental hygiene program for your furry friend.
- Yapping pooch: Reward silence. If you make a fuss every time they have a barking fit, you’re teaching them that barking is a great way to get your attention.
- Find the keys: Hide a set of keys and say, “find the keys.” When your pup brings the keys to you, reward him with a treat. Then stash keys in a new place.
- Spay: You’re doing your female dog a huge favor by having her spayed before her first heat. This will dramatically reduce her risk of developing uterine infections, ovarian cancer and breast cancer.
- Neuter: Neutered males have far fewer prostate problems than unaltered males and they can’t develop testicular problems. They are less likely to roam, fight, show aggressiveness, or hyperactive behavior.
- After surgery: If you can, stay home with your pet after surgery to provide comfort and reassurance.
- Listen to your vet: Be a good caregiver by following the directions of your veterinarian. You’ll optimize your pet’s health, happiness and longevity.
- Making the bed: Put off making the bed until your snoozing pet has woken from their sweet slumber.
- Night time kitty feeding: Feed your cat at night rather than in the morning. A full belly helps a cat snooze longer through the night.
- Night time kitty play time: Spend a few minutes playing with your kitty before bed, so they’ll be ready for bedtime when you are.
- Weekly check-ups: Give your pet a head-to-tail weekly check-up. Your observations may help to catch a disease in the early stages.
- Baby food: Give your pooch baby food during mild bouts of diarrhea. Stick with meat flavors. Vegetables can make the diarrhea worse.
- Car-terrified canine: Hire a mobile groomer.
- Pet first-aid: Educate yourself by enrolling in a pet first-aid class.
- Assemble a pet first-aid kit: Keep a pet first-aid kit handy in case of an accident or an emergency. It should include; cold packs, non-stick sterile gauze pads, light weight adhesive tape that won’t stick to wounds, cotton balls, cotton-tipped ear swabs, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, Benadryl for bites and stings, coated buffered aspirin, phone numbers for vet and emergency clinic.
- Protect paws: When taking walks stick to grass and dirt. Avoid hot surfaces whenever possible.
- Prevent stomach aches and muscle pains: Schedule exercise time before eating NOT after. This will help prevent upset tummies.
- Don’t forget you’re the water: Bring water whenever taking your pet out for their exercise.
- Fatigue: Immediately stop exercise if your pooch lies down in the middle of or seems fatigued at all!
- Dry shampoo: Try this product for those pets that just REFUSE to get bathed. Leave the powder shampoo on your pet’s coat to absorb the oil and dirt and then brush it out.
- Mineral oil: Remove tar or other sticky substances with mineral oil. Then wash the area to get rid of the oil.
- Fiber: Help your pudgy pooch lose a few pounds by adding fiber to their diet. Fiber improves digestion and lessens the chance of constipation.
- Speed up metabolism: Some other ways to help thin down your dog; sprinkle 1 tsp of Kelpon your dog’s food. Or try 1 capsule of Lecithin (open it first) or 1 tsp of organic apple cider in his water bowl. All will speed up their metabolism and help to break down fats.
- Road trips: Hold off on feeding your pets for a few hours prior to the start of your trip to prevent the risk of stomach aches caused by motion sickness. Stop every few hours for potty breaks and a nice stretch.
- The bank: Take your dog through the drive-through at the bank. They always have treats for the pups. Your dog will love it and they’ll begin to recognize the route. This will also help your dog associate good events with the car.
- Treats in the car: Keep a stash of healthy road treats inside the glove compartment.
- Buckle up: Seat belt your pup. Use a harness with a dog seatbelt or keep your dog in a crate. Either choice ensures a safe ride for your furry friend. Cars such as Audi, Subaru and Saab recognize the importance of this and come equipped with these dog restraint systems.
- Spray bottle in the car: Keep a spray bottle handy and spritz your dog’s face and paws for an ice cool-down.
- Microchips: Have your vet insert an identification microchip under your pet’s skin. Many vet clinics have scanners that can be run over your pet’s back to reveal your name and contact information in case your pet gets lost.
- Ear Protection: Before bathing put cotton balls in your pet’s ears to keep water from entering the ear canals. Also, thoroughly dry your canine’s ears after swimming.
- Baking soda: When your dog or cat stinks and nothing seems to work try sprinkling on baking soda onto their coat. Use your fingers to work into their coat. Baking soda is like nature’s perfume and absorbs odors.
- Scoop the litter: Cats are very clean animals. They like their boxes to be scooped every day. If not, you may be reinforcing some unruly kitty behavior. Also, don’t place the litter box by your cat’s eating area. Their sense of smell is much superior to ours and that odor would be paws-itively unbearable. They also instinctively will not eliminate near their food source.
- Rainy day walks: To help keep you dog dry on rainy days, keep a doggy rain slicker handy. After your walk dry them thoroughly with a large, cozy towel.
- Chemical salts: Wash your pooch’s paws after walks. Chemical salts put down on roads and sidewalks to melt ice can be poisonous if your dog licks their paws. It can also irritate their footpads.
- Pet health insurance: This is a money saving way to ensure that your pet’s medical needs will always be met. Premiums vary among companies, so do your research.
- Professional pet care: Only entrust the care of your pets to a professional pet care company such as Premiere Petsitting. Be sure that the company is bonded and insured and has numerous references to provide. The company should also run thorough background checks on all its staff members and be certified in pet first-aid. Be sure you hire only the best for your pet!
100 Ways To Pamper Your Pet
